How to Design Walkways and Pathways in a Garden

Thinking about designing a pathway or a walkway in your garden? If you plan on relaxing strolls in your garden, you would need one or two. Here are several useful tips that would help you design wonderful pathways in outdoor spaces:

Choose the Right Material

There are several factors that goes into considering which material is the best for your garden’s pathways. Homeowners typically consider cost and the looks. In addition, you must consider the properties of the material as well, such as how likely it is to slip when wet. The purpose of the pathway plays a major factor in which material to choose.

Garden pathways, naturally, are intended for strolling. But some may design small pathways just for the looks. Some garden pathways may require a surface suitable for hauling equipment like wheelbarrows. The material you choose should depend on these factors.

In any case, there’s a wide variety of material suitable for garden paths. For a beautiful and luxurious look, you can choose stone. It’s not easy to mend stone for pathways, so it’s recommended to choose the right professionals for natural stone paving in Perth, or in your local area.

Material such as granite or gravel creates permeable pathways. If drainage is important, you need to choose material such as those. For a lush look, you can choose grass, moss, or thyme pathways. These plants are quite resistant to foot traffic. On the other hand, you may want to avoid material such as polished granite, brick, or flagstone that become slippery when wet.

Remember that maintenance will depend on the material you choose, so pick carefully. Consider all of the above factors in addition to cost so you can create a pathway that meets all your needs and lasts a long time.

Pick the Right Colour

The appearance is determined by the colour of the material you choose. Some material come with a natural colour, like grass, but you can choose a shade you want. For example, you can choose types of  granite, stone, or moss you want. There may not be an exact right colour, but you might want to choose something that complements the surrounding plants. Also, the pathway should have a distinct or stark colour so people can see where the path starts and the garden ends.

Wide Berth is Important

Despite popular belief, garden paths don’t necessary have a standard size. They could be as wide or narrow as the homeowner likes. Though you get a lot of flexibility to choose, it’s very important to choose the right berth for the pathways. Too narrow a pathway and no one would be able to comfortably walk. On the other hand, wide pathways may limit space for the garden to actually grow.

Choose the right width based on how many people you want walking side by side in the garden. In any case, the pathway should be wide enough for one person to walk without going off-road. If you want two people to walk side by side, plan early on the make the pathways necessarily wide.

Pay careful attention to the above tips. Heed them when you design the garden walks so you won’t have to re-do them later driving up the costs.

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